Sunday, February 17, 2008


It is sad to see how unaware some people really are. I don't mean to be condescending or belittling in any way, but nowadays some young people do leave a lot to be desired.

First impressions are very important, a good example would be in the growth of instant fame TV programmes. The moment a contestant walks into an audition room, even before they utter a note you can almost spot who is going to make it; and who doesn't stand a chance.

Of course there is a difference between being confident and charismatic and being arrogant and obnoxious, or is it just plain clueless!The only time you can get away with being the slightest bit arrogant is when you are really good at what you do and even then it can be completely off-putting.

So don't make the mistake of confusing confidence with arrogance - they are not the same thing.Arrogance without the talent or preparation to back it up can be very obnoxious. This type of attitude can make you highly unlikable.

Would you really want to fall into the category of those who are unaware, ignorant and just plain boring?

I'm not saying don't follow your dreams or try new things, I'm saying don't let your life flat-line, know what your strengths and weaknesses are and expand on them. By all means be confident, but do it with a modicum of humility.